It all started with humble beginnings for me, really.
Straight out of University, I made my start landing a job with a major international consulting firm.
I studied everything I could get my hands on. Learned the ins and outs of the consulting trade while getting experience with major Fortune 500 companies (on someone else's dime). It was apparent, rather quickly, that my specialty was strategizing for growth.
After a few years, I needed bigger challenges. So, I built by own consulting agency by starting with a list of Australia’s top 100 companies, making the goal a million dollars in year one.
I didn’t make a million that year....
I made $1.2 Million.
I later went on to start multiple consulting agencies in different niche markets (tourism market doing $20M+ in rev, website and sales funnel consulting $800K/mo, 10 months without a website, and several others)
Within just a nine year span, I had spoken to 5,000 CEO's in over 140 different industries.
It only took a matter of minutes talking business to be able to diagnose their growing pain and prescribe the biggest leverage point.
And while I've built my own agencies in the past 25 yrs, I've found my passion wasn't found in helping Fortune 500 companies scale bigger...
My passion is taking thousands of hours of experience, boiling it down and applying it directly to people JUST LIKE YOU. I help consultants that are either just starting out or those that want to accelerate their growth.